We have great live music at SOPER HALL, CATERHAM on the 3rd Friday of every month.  Our next event is on 21st FEBRUARY and features the fabulous RUTHLESS BLUES. Tickets available here.  To keep updated on future events join our mailing list and/or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

We are also working with THE STATION in SOUTH NUTFIELD to help bring music back to this once thriving live venue.   THE MARTIN SMITH BAND will play there on FRIDAY, 28th FEBRUARY.   We hope this will be the first of many events here. 

Surrey and South London Rhythm and Blues Club is founded on a deep love of Rhythm & Blues and related music.  Our aim is staging and promoting live (not-for-profit) music events in the local community. We feature music that broadly falls within the “Rhythm and Blues” genre. That can include “classic” (40s-50s) R&B, Blues, Soul, Funk, Jazz, Americana, contemporary R&B and more.

We currently run monthly live music nights at Soper Hall in Caterham.  It’s a great, atmospheric and cosy venue with a licensed bar.  We’ve established a reputation for running a super-friendly, inclusive club where newcomers and solo visitors are extended a warm welcome (as indeed are our regulars).   Our current audience are a great mix  of those like to get up and dance and those who prefer to sit, watch and listen and enjoy the atmosphere.

Our Events page lists upcoming club nights.  There are active communities you can join on Facebook and Meetup.com

Our events are well-attended and advance booking is strongly recommended.

You can buy advance tickets  via online booking agent Ticket Tailor. Just click on the buttons below.

Check out our podcast on Mixcloud:

[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/martin-smith61/you-just-cant-have-too-much-10/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

Proud to be a member of the UK Blues Federation.